The following was emailed to us by Dusty Straub, owner of Dusty’s Auto Electrical and Mechanical, based in Roma, Queensland.
We specialize in Auto Electrical and Mechanical repairs to mainly heavy vehicles. We are a small shop operating for 3 years now, we have 2 full time employees plus myself. We have started using TimeClockMTS to record the hours worked on jobs for the shop. It’s a perfect solution, as it allows us to centralize and secure the data collected on an in-house server we run. We have a record of the hours logged to any job and we can “prove” to our customers we have worked those hours on the job. Its more accurate than employees guessing times, as in the past we lost a lot of time with our employees going from job to job and not writing it down.
We also have contract staff come in from time to time and they are able to clock in and record their time on-site. They can print off a time attendance sheet which becomes the basis for their invoice based on the time they were here. This avoids any discrepancies with times.
As a small business located in Western Queensland, we find Internet services are not always reliable. Hence my reluctance to use cloud based solutions. TimeClockMTS offers us a choice to own our software so to speak and avoid paying ongoing fees for fragmented cloud services.
The server provides other services such as mail and intranet for our business. We run MySQL as our backend database for everything. It is easy to manage and backup, so when I saw TimeClockMTS was able to utilize MySQL, I immediately set it up to use our existing database.
We plan on running 1 additional PC with the application on it later down the track as a backup. This would see a total of 2 PC’s networked to provide the clocking service as well as the Intranet services for our business.
Thanks to Dusty for letting us know what he’s doing with Time Clock MTS. It’s always great to hear from our users! You can view the Dusty’s Auto Electrical & Mechanical Website here.