Time Clock MTS Network Edition
Time Clock Software for any computer in your office
Track up to 500 employees on 20 Time Clock Computers
“Time Clock MTS enables you to define your company’s particular sick leave and other policies directly in the software. Additionally, you have the ability to configure your business’ vacation time policies into the program.”
Top Ten Reviews 2014, California, USA
Track More than Just Time. Much More.
Define an unlimited number of flexible employee sick and vacation accrual schemes, record the time your employees take off and report in an instant on what sick or vacation time they are owed, and what they have taken.
Create tasks and jobs and have your employees punch in and out of those tasks and jobs during the day. If you’re a job shop, or a factory, or even a consultant or freelancer Time Clock MTS can easily record the time spent working on each task and then generate instant reports showing how much time each employees has spent working on each job.

Tracking Tips and Gratuities
An Employee Time Clock on ANY Computer

Punch in an out on ANY Windows Computer
If you’ve got a Windows computer, new or old, you can install the Time Clock MTS Network Edition on it and have your employees start clocking in and out on it. No more lines of people waiting to punch in or out, and no more need to dedicate a single computer to be your time clock.
You’ll communicate better with your employees too. As they punch in or out they can use the network time clock station to view their own punchcard report, and they can see messages that you leave for them. They can use Time Clock MTS to request time off too and those requests can be approved or denied and time punches for their time off automatically created.
Don’t forget you’ll get all the features found in the Time Clock MTS Stand Alone Edition such as automatic overtime calculations and tracking of sick and vacation time.
Stop Buddy Punching and Time Clock Fraud
For tougher security Time Clock MTS has a strong employee PIN system and the software can easily be used with a barcode scanner, or a magnetic card reader or even RFID fobs or cards.
Security can be taken as far as using our Network Timeclock system with a finger scanner to authenticate who your employees are, and a camera to capture their images as they punch in and out. Couple this with full time punch audit trail logging and you have a system that will help you reduce payroll costs right now.

Time Clock MTS
Network Edition
Powerful Network Time Clock Software
Try it for 30 days without restriction. Install on 20 computers, punch in and out as many times as you like and get access to all the features that are going to save you time and money.
Helpful Links
Installing the Time Clock MTS Network Edition
Upgrading from the Stand Alone Edition to the Network Edition
Other Time Clock MTS Support Resources
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