Version 5 Release Notes

These are the archived release notes for Version 5 of Time Clock MTS. If you want to see the release notes for the current version of Time Clock MTS then you should look here.

Version:5.1.9 Released 15 March 2016
-FIX - Fixed problem with displaying bulletins when using MySQL
-FIX - Fix to various email alert properties when using MySQL
-FIX - Fix to vacation/sick time balance for balances carried forward

Version:5.1.8 Released 1 February 2016
-FIX - Report header dates wrong for second and subsequent employee in reports.
-ENHANCEMENT - SQL and MySQL connection messages now much more verbose and useful

Version:5.1.7 Released 12 January 2016
-FIX - Fix to vacation and sick time accruals when reporting period ended the day before the start of a new FY.

Version:5.1.6 Released 2 December 2015
-FIX - Keypad interface would stop an employee punching in if their badge number was set to the same number as a deleted employee
-ENHANCEMENT - Last clock in details are not shown for employees who fail the fingerprint scan
-ENHANCEMENT - Keypad interface window is now re-sizeable

Version:5.1.5 Released 30 October 2015
-ENHANCEMENT - users need to confirm exit from Fingerprint Enrollment form if there are unsaved changes
-ENHANCEMENT - Registration menu is now always enabled. Requires admin login if not already logged in.
-FIX - Fixed overflow error that some users are seeing
-FIX - added extra logging to Fingerprint Enrollment form to try to work out why some fingerprints are not saving
-FIX - changed method employee information is passed to fingerprint enrollment form to try to fix non-saving fingerprints

Version:5.1.4 Released 1 October 2015
-ENHANCEMENT - Can set image capture path on admin computer even if there's no camera installed.
-FIX - Mysql script menu not displaying for Network PLUS Edition.
-FIX - Detect if previously registered version has mysteriously reverted to trial version (or free) and re-register it with the stored registration details.
-FIX - software would crash when all time off requests were filtered out and the mouse moved.

Version:5.1.3 Released 31 July 2015
-FIX - Week day on Edit Times screen could be wrong if time rounding was turned on and punch time was close to 12:00AM.
-FIX - inactive bulletins not being displayed on manage bulletins screen.
-FIX - Fixed bad header for Quickbooks export
-FIX - Force QuickBooks times to export at hh.hh format regardless of setting in Time Clock MTS
-FIX - Show Payroll Information checkbox de-activated when opening reporting configuration screen with job punchcard report selected

Version:5.1.2 Released 14 December 2014
-FIX - Fix to department targeted new time off request alerts that were not saving correctly
-FIX - Stopped intermediate edit employee/edit times screen displaying in client software
-FIX - Fix to slow employee bulletin popup and (vast) speed improvement in loading employee bulletins
-FIX - return/line feeds in reports exported to TAB format

Version:5.1.1 Released 6 December 2014
-NEW - Added Expenses field to jobs
-NEW - Added Estimated Hours field to jobs
-NEW - Added checkbox next to jobs list on Manage Jobs screen
-NEW - Changed Delete Jobs button to a drop down to allow deleting of selected job or of all checked jobs
-NEW - Added Deactivate Jobs button to allow deactivation of selected job or of all checked jobs
-NEW - Added Check All, Check None, and Invert Selection links to Manage Jobs screen
-NEW - Added estimated hours to active job report
-NEW - Added estimated hours,expenses,job description to job cost report and job time report
-NEW - Added kiosk mode setting. When set all menus are disabled and the application is maximized and cannot be resized or moved.
-NEW - Added field to event based data export formats
-NEW - added Export Name to employees. If a value is set this is used in data exports in preference to Full Name
-NEW - Added Configure QuickBooks Export menu to Reporting menu
-NEW - Added Configure QuickBooks Export screen
-NEW - Added read only QuickBooks Data Export Format
-New - QuickBooks integration added
-NEW - Can now print the details of a single time off request from the Administrator Manage Time Off Request screen
-NEW - Added bulletin acceptance report to Employee Bulletin Board screen
-ENHANCEMENT - Changed "disabled" jobs to "deactivated"
-ENHANCEMENT - Changed all links to the site to new addresses to suit site re-design
-ENHANCEMENT - update installers now check that Time Clock MTS is installed before completing installation.
-ENHANCEMENT - Imported employees with the display color set to zero (black) now default their color to white
-ENHANCEMENT - Export data screen now remembers various form settings
-ENHANCEMENT - QuickBooks export format hidden from normal export format editing screen
-ENHANCEMENT - Reworked export format database access code to minimize database loads
-ENHANCMENT - Add multiple times screen now changes subsequent clock in / out times to match the time of the time current time being edited. A quick way of setting a default punch in/out time.
-ENHANCMENT - Edition of Time Clock MTS now displayed in the title bar of the main application window
-FIX - Sick leave accrue box now allows up to 10 characters
-FIX - Fix to reports with monthly/weekly accruals not showing correct accrual amount where the last reporting day was the last day of an accrual period
-FIX - Fix to client SQL connection code on System Options screen.

Version:5.0.9 Released 3 November 2014
-Pressing the = key on the employee list screen puts the focus on the employee find box
-Pressing the = key while the employee find box has the focus clears the contents of the find box
-Pressing the + key while the employee key has the focus attempts to punch the selected employee in or out. Note that the name entered must match the name of the selected employee
-ALT-A shortcut added to log in and out of administrator account
-Stopped needless database access when typing an employee name into the search box
-Fixed up export to CSV and export to TAB report options
-Fix put in place for keypad screen when users hold down enter key
-Put in an extra check for NTP time lock to prevent spurious messages some users were getting.
-Added NTP time lock to keypad interface.
-Fixed a typo on one of the Edit Times screen toolbar buttons
-View information button now displays correct label when logged in as the administrator
-Logging put in for application overflow crash in main timer loop
-Fix for accruals where manual start date is set prior to the calculated start date.

Version:5.0.8 Released 27 October 2014
-Extra logging added to file permission popup to understand cause loss of connection errors.
-Removed 7 day trial extension

Version:5.0.7 Released 4 September 2014
-Added a "extend trial by 7 days" button to the trial expiry form
-Added a "extend trial by 7 days" menu item to the File menu when the trial is expired
-Fixed to typo on splash screen
-Rewording of some registration information

Version:5.0.6 Released 14 October 2014
-Re-worked much of the startup code to prevent repeated screen redraws
-Added various screen refresh calls to the positionScreenElements call
-Removed the repaintWindow calls
-Fix to crazy application crash that's been bothering us since 2012. Of all things it was the text labels on the front page of the application.

Version:5.0.5 Released 16 June 2014
-Fix to resetting forgotten passwords for users in trial period, users of the free version, or users in their temporary registration period
-Optimized the select last employee punch code to speed up performance.
-Change to mysql creation script to include custom indexes on time table to increase performance
-Refactored time class for increased performance
-Small changes made to licensing system to account for Windows environment variable changes
-Fixed up an issue with importing jobs
-Fix to internet time server checking for computers that have been running a long time
-Fix to internet time server checking on first run time check

Version:5.0.4 Released 30 April 2014
-Fix to database connection wizard not saving connection details for MySQL/SQL Server databases.
-Enter note screen now times out after 30 seconds and the punch in/out is cancelled.
-The Daily Hours Report now displays or hh:mm:ss formats as per the Report Settings screen rather than always displaying the format.
-Fix to the time period drop down on the Edit Times screen. Last 7, 14, and 28 days now selecting correctly.
-Fix to Daily Hours Report to exclude zero activity employees if checkbox ticked on report configuraton screen.

Version:5.0.3 Released 6 February 2014
-Fix to email alerts when invalid XML characters were included
-Added + buttons next to email drop downs on Email Alert screen to speed up adding new email addresses
-Fixed reports where vacation time and sick time taken on last day of reporting period was not included in calculation for balance of sick/vacation time remaining

Version:5.0.2 Released 5 February 2014
-Check made to stop setting of badge number to zero
-Rebuild to fix up weird cannot create employee error one user was seeing
-Stop deleted emails being displayed

Version:5.0.1 Released 26 January 2014
New - The Clock In or Clock Out buttons are now highlighted red or green on a failed (or successful) employee punch. The badge number text field on the keypad interface is highlighted red or green to indicate employee punch status.
New - A View Timecard button has been added to the keypad screen. Employees must enter their badge number and then click the View Timecard button.
New - Email alerts can now be configured on the Tools->Email Alerts screen from the Time Clock MTS Admnistrator software.
New - Added the manage emails screen to the Tools->Options->Emails screen.
New - A set of local labels can be defined in the timesheets.ini file to have client specific labels (for example you might like one in Spanish and one in English).
New - Added the Simple Wages Report - Version 2. This version of the report displays holiday hours, vacation hours, weekly overtime and total wages. Not suitable if you pay your employees daily overtime or sick time (as they will not be displayed on this report).
New - Added the simple wages with tips report, similar to the simple wages report but includes a column showing net tips paid out to the employee (note that the wages column does not include the tips).
New - Added the days worked report which totals up the days and hours worked during the report period and then gives an average hours worked on those days.
New - Automatic breaks can now be specified at the employee level. This can be configured on each employee's Payroll information screen
Enhancement - No longer need to enter a PIN when clocking and employee in or out while logged as the adminstrator.
Enhancement - Save button on enroll fingerprints screen enabled only when a fingerprint has been enrolled or deleted.
Enhancement - On the bulk time entry screen the punch out date changes to match the punch in date when the punch in date is changed. When a punch in date is changed all following punch dates are changed to subsequent dates. So, for example, if you change the first punch date to 1/10/2014 then second date will be changed to 1/11/2014, the third to 1/12/2014 and so on. The dates will stop incrementing once a punch pair with a checked "add time" box is reached.
Enhancement - Added a clickable "What does this mean" link to the Pay Day as Overtime checkboxes that takes users to a blog entry explaining what the checkboxes do.
Enhancement - When logged in as the administrator you can right click on the employee list to refresh the list.
Enhancement - The title above the date selectors on the report configuration screen now display the selected reporting period in days.
Enhancement - The early clock in warning is now dismissed after five seconds.
Enhancement - The admnistrator can now delete multiple time off rquests at the same time. Multiple requests can be selected by holding the CTRL key while left clicking with the mouse on requests in the time off request list. The Edit Time Off Request button, the approve request button, and the deny request buttons will not work while more than one request is selected.
Enhancement - Added none option to department, shift, and employment type dropdowns on Employee maintenance screens
Enhancement - YYYY-MM-DD date export format added to Tools->Export Data->Export Data Formats screen.
Enhancement - The Departmental Wages report now displays a page break between departments rather than between employees.
Enhancement - Added "other periods" button to the report configuration screen. Includes semi monthly periods, fiscal year, and calendar year.
Enhancement - Various fixes to mouse clicking and double clicking code on employee list to speed up database access and prevent excessive database load
Enhancement - Changed default mysql driver to MySQL ODBC Driver 5.1
Enhancement - Removed the "Least Quantity" checkbox from the Payroll Settings screen. Added a rounding method dropdown to the payroll settings screen. Least Quantity rounding rounds up clock ins and rounds down clock outs. Maximum quantity rounding rounds down clock ins and rounds up clock outs.
Enhancement - Changed "Waive Paid Breaks" on Employee Payroll Information screen to "No Paid Breaks"
Enhancement - Job code and job name is now displayed with the classification on the edit times screen
Enhancement - The Edit Time screen is now resizeable.
Enhancement - Employee badge numbers can now be 12 characters long.
Enhancement - Greatly improved the speed of selecting and counting of the active number of employees.
Fix - Fixed a problem with program settings overwriting when changing database types.
Fix - Added a number of indexes to the MySQL database creation script to increase performance.
Fix - More verbose errors are now displayed when attempting to connect to a SQL Server or MySQL database using the database connection wizard.
Fix - More verbose errors are now displayed when using the Test SQL Connection or Test MySQL Connection buttons on the System Options screen.
Fix - Fix to adding employees with zero length fingerprint pattern
Fix - Fixed overflow error on job code entry screen.
Tech Change - Minimum requirements for Windows have increased to Windows XP SP3.
Tech Change - Users must now have a current support contract to automatically reset a forgotten Time Clock MTS password via the website.
Tech Change - The free version of Time Clock MTS can no longer reset a forgotten password via the Time Clock MTS website.