Free Employee Shift Rotation Template in Excel
Our free shift rotation template is available in Microsoft Excel format. The template allows you to easily create a visual shift rotation schedule for any calendar month. Using it is simple, just select the year and month that you want to create your shift rotation for and the template will adjust itself to display the days of the selected month. Once you’ve done that adjust the day types on the Settings worksheet. You can have 7 different day types (such as work, day off, sick day, vacation and so on), each day type has a single letter code and a color code. Once you’ve selected those you can go ahead and fill in your rotation schedule. Enter employee names and then enter their schedule for the month by entering the day codes. For example, a 5 day on, 2 day off schedule would be entered as WWWWWOO. The rotation template will color code each day so you can understand visually how the employee shifts are fitting together. The color coding makes it a simple matter to account for off days such as unexplained absences, sick days, or vacation. Simply scan down each day and match each missing employee on that day with an employee who can fill in for the day’s work. It couldn’t be any simpler.
A rotating shift schedule isn’t a static plan, it changes as employees arrive (or fail to arrive) for work. If there are unexplained absences you must be made aware of them, and if there are planned absences (due to vacation or sick days for example) then you need to know about them well in advance. You’re only going to know this information if you are using a powerful employee timeclock system like Time Clock MTS. It will allow you see at a glance who is or isn’t at work and then you can adjust your employee shifts to meet your workload. Our software also allows you to pre-plan vacations and sick time, which you can then report on and work into your future shift schedules. And of course it will track the time your employees spend at work, calculate overtime automatically, and track what jobs they are working on. There’s a free 30 day trial available and a there’s even a 100% free version that’s subject to a few conditions.
Time Clock MTS
The Easy Employee Time Clock

This shift rotation template can be used free of charge and you can modify it to suit your requirements. If you do make any changes we’d appreciate it if you contacted us and let us know so we can share your improvements with other users of our free templates. Of course, to close the loop with your employee shift schdedules you’re going to need to know when they arrive at work, when they leave, and know well in advance of planned days off. We think Time Clock MTS is the best way of tracking that information and you can use it on almost any computer or tablet that is powered by Microsoft Windows. The free 30 day trial means there’s zero risk, so give it a try today!
Time Clock MTS
The Easy Employee Timeclock
Time Clock MTS
The easy to use time recording software with a fully functional 30 day trial.
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