I’ve been working on Time Clock MTS Version 4.1.4 for a few weeks now and have uploaded it to the website today. Here’s a detailed list of the changes made to this release.
- Fixed a typo on the Vacation Accruals and Sick Time Accruals screens.
- Resetting the administrator password by answering the secret questions is no longer case dependent.
- Reworked the trial reminder to be a more attractive form rather than a simple message box. Also, the trial reminder can now be dismissed for up to seven days.
- When the trial is expired a proper form is now displayed rather than a simple message box.
- When operating in free mode there is only one reminder rather than one every time the software is started.
- There was a problem with the Job Details Report showing times booked against no job being recorded against a non existent job number. This has now been fixed.
- The “Clock All Employees Out” button on the Edit Times screen now allows the administrator to clock the selected employee (or all employees) in.
- The employee and administrator time off request screens now do proper date sorts for all date based columns.
- When a time off request is deleted from the administrator time off request screen the time off requests retain their sort order.
- Time Clock MTS now remembers the setting to automatically create a bulletin when a time off request is approved.
- The employee bulletin screen is no longer shown to employees if there are no bulletins to show the employee.