by Mark Nemtsas | Aug 12, 2008 | Tips and Tricks
Monitoring of employee attendance is a key requirement if you are to minimize employment costs and improve business efficiency. Some of the key benefits to a business that has an adequate time and attendance reporting system include:
- Easier identification and elimination of time card fraud.
- Identification of areas of excess overtime and elimination of the cost by increasing staffing levels or improving efficiency in other business processes.
- Management has a more accurate picture of the real cost of employment.
- More simplified compliance with overtime, vacation and occupational health and safety requirements.
- Improvements in business efficiency and payroll accuracy.
All of these are positive things for any business. But to be able to deliver on any of these benefits a time and attendance reporting system must be:
- Timely, there is no point having a time and attendance reporting system that delivers reports 6 weeks after the fact.
- Accurate.
- Flexible to allow easy compliance with your payroll rules and local labor requirements.
- Simple to administer and run. You do not want to be handing back efficiency gains and cost savings from your time and attendance reporting system because it is large and unwieldy and takes a lot of time to run.
- Computerized and interface with de facto standard office software such as Microsoft Office.
- Able to collect time and attendance information from multiple locations within the business and store the information centrally.
Time Clock MTS is a time and attendance system that will allow you to do all of this and more. Why not download the free 30 day trial now!.
by Mark Nemtsas | Aug 5, 2008 | How To, Tips and Tricks, Using the Software
In part 2 of customizing Time Clock MTS Reports I covered some of the report sections and data fields used to customize the reports in the software. In this third part I’ll cover the remainder of the report sections and data fields.
Employee Summary Section
- Full Name – the name of the employee as set on the Employee Information Screen
- Total Work Time – the total hours worked by the employee for the report period
- Total Holidays Time – the total public holiday hours for the employee for the report period
- T – inserts a TAB space, used for alignment and formatting purposes
Employee Accruals Section
- Sick Time Taken Period – the sick time taken by the employee for the report period
- Sick Time Taken Fiscal – the sick time taken by the employee for the current fiscal year
- Sick Time Taken All Time – the sick time taken by the employee since they were employed
- Sick Time Owing – the current sick time owing to the employee
- Vacation Time Taken Period – the vacation time taken by the employee for the report period
- Vacation Time Taken Fiscal – the vacation time taken by the employee for the current fiscal year
- Vacation Time Taken All Time – the vacation time taken by the employee since they were employed
- Vacation Time Owing – the current vacation time owing to the employee
- T – inserts a TAB space, used for alignment and formatting purposes
Payroll Information Section
- Full Name – the name of the employee as set on the Employee Information Screen
- Total Work Time – the total hours worked by the employee for the report period
- Total Holidays Time – the total public holiday hours for the employee for the report period
- SSN – the social security number of the employee as set on the Payroll Information Screen
- Regular Hours – the number of hours worked by the employee during the report period that were paid at the normal rate
- Daily OT Hours – the number of hours worked by the employee during the report period that were paid at the daily overtime rate
- Weekly OT Hours – the number of hours worked by the employee during the report period that were paid at the weekly overtime rate
- Normal Rate – the normal rate of pay
- OT Rate – the overtime rate of pay
- Normal Earnings – earnings during the report period at the normal rate of pay
- Daily OT Earnings – earnings during the report period at the daily overtime rate of pay
- Weekly OT Earnings – earnings during the report period at the weekly overtime rate of pay
- Total Earnings – the total earnings for the report period
- T – inserts a TAB space, used for alignment and formatting purposes
by Mark Nemtsas | Aug 1, 2008 | Tips and Tricks, Using the Software
Time Clock MTS Stand Alone Edition
With personal computers becoming less and less expensive and old models usually left unused there’s no reason to not put these machines to a useful purpose. One great use is to replace your paper based time clock card system with an electronic time clock system such as Time Clock MTS. Time Clock MTS will run on pretty much any computer from the last several years and give you a time clock card system that is far superior to older manual paper based systems.
You can collect your time and attendance information at many locations but automatically store it in one data store for easy and instant payroll reporting. Time Clock MTS will do all of your overtime calculations and your payroll calculations using your rules in just seconds and without error. The software contains a number of security features that will help to minimize or eliminate the problems experienced with older manual systems. Employees can no longer manipulate their time card information manually and buddy punching is largely eliminated.
by Mark Nemtsas | Jul 24, 2008 | News, Tips and Tricks
Did you know Time Clock MTS is 100% compatible with the new Microsoft operating system Windows Vista? Vista brings all sorts of new features to the Windows user and Time Clock MTS operates happily with all of them. The one and only difference with the Vista Time Clock MTS is where the software stores it’s configuration files and the default database location.
In Windows XP all of the program data was stored in this directory:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Time Clock MTS\
Windows Vista changes the location where program data is stored and when using Time Clock MTS on Windows Vista you’ll find all of your program information here:
c:\Program Data\Time Clock MTS\
That’s really all there is to know about Vista and Time Clock MTS, just download and install Time Clock MTS onto Vista as normal from our website and you’ll be up and running in no time.
by | Jul 18, 2008 | Tips and Tricks, Using the Software
Employee Maintenance Dropdown
Time Clock MTS allows you to track attendance of employees that work for you. However, as employees leave your organization you may wish to either delete or deactivate an employee’s record in Time Clock MTS. You may want to do this to declutter the employee list or to prevent the employee from recording any more attendance information. When you Deactivate an employee you can Reactivate the employee while logged in as the administrator and using the Employee Maintenance->Re-Activate An Employee menu item. However, when you Delete an employee there’s no way of undeleting that employee from within Time Clock MTS.
However, the deletion is not permanent. The actual employee data and all of their employee attendance information is actually still present in the Time Clock MTS database. All you need to do is email us your Time Clock MTS database and let us know which employee you want undeleted. We’ll do it for you and email your database promptly and you’ll find that the employee record is now visible again.
by Mark Nemtsas | Jul 17, 2008 | How To, Tips and Tricks, Using the Software
In part 1 of customizing Time Clock MTS Reports I covered the basic structure of reports and how you could customize them. In this second part I’ll cover some of the Report Sections and the Data Fields that are available to each. If you don’t know what a Report Section or Data Field is then go back and take a look at Part 1 of this topic.
Report Header Section
- Report Name – the name of the report that is being run
- Period Start – the report start date
- Period End – the report end date
- Report Time – the date and time the report is run
- Shift Filter – the shift the report is filtered on (if applicable)
- Employee Filter – the employee(s) the report is filtered on (if applicable)
- Department Filter – the department the report is filtered on (if applicable)
- T – inserts a TAB space, used for alignment and formatting purposes
Company Header Section
- Company Name – the company name as set on the Display Settings page
- Company Address – the company address as set on the Display Settings page
- T – inserts a TAB space, used for alignment and formatting purposes
Employee Details Section
Employee Header Section
In Part 3 of this report customization series I’ll cover the remaining report sections.